Need Contract Help
but want to stay a For Sale by Owner?
Get all the support and help you need as a FSBO
You don't know
what you don't know,
& it could cost you thousands...
We know what you need and we guarentee you will be taken care of!
DUFFY Realty will:
Protect you with the right forms, advice and guidance
– Audit the terms you have already agreed to with your Buyer
– Draw up a Georgia Association of Realtors (GAR) Purchase & Sale Agreement with all the addenda and exhibits needed to protect you
– Look for potential rabbit holes and loopholes that were proposed by the Buyer
– Give warning of terms and time frames that might cause time, money or aggreviation from contract to close
– Review and help with specifically but not limited to financing, contingencies, inspections, appraisals, earnest money, and special stipulations.
Share valuable resources
– Our Seller Protection Timeline will guide you through the process from contract to close alerting you to all the things you need to do AND all the things the buyer should be doing to get ready for closing!
– Our vendor list has been trusted by all of our 42,000 clients. This tested and trusted list lets you know who you can trust and rely on every step of the way!
– Our Team of Contract Specialists have proven themselves with thousands of deals under their belt. They will be able to answer all the questions you have before you have them!
– We will alert you to all key time frames
– If this contract falls through, do not worry! You can transfer to our 1% Listing Program and choose the Buyer’s Agent commission!! DUFFY will then help you to strategize for a new sale, market the listing to both online Buyers and Agent’s Buyers, negotiate the contract and guide the Seller to the closing. So easy!