DUFFY Realty will:
– Audit the terms you have already agreed to with your Buyer
– Draw up a Georgia Association of Realtors (GAR) Purchase & Sale Agreement with all the addenda and exhibits needed to protect you
– Look for potential rabbit holes and loopholes that were proposed by the Buyer
– Give warning of terms and time frames that might cause time, money or aggreviation from contract to close
– Review and help with specifically but not limited to financing, contingencies, inspections, appraisals, earnest money, and special stipulations.
– Alert all parties to KEY time frames
– Share valuable resources such as our Seller Protection Timeline to guide you through the process
– Share our vendor list so you know who you can trust and rely on every step of the way
– Take you from Contract to Close – fully represented and protected
– If this contract falls through, do not worry! You can transfer to our 1% Listing Program and choose the Buyer’s Agent commission!! DUFFY will then help you to strategize for a new sale, market the listing to both online Buyers and Agent’s Buyers, negotiate the contract and guide the Seller to the closing. So easy!