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List Your Home with DUFFY for around 1%

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DUFFY  Buyer Client Incentive – up to 1.5% of the sales price

DUFFY Seller Negotiation & Legal Compliance 

Short Sale Department 


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DUFFY Realty’s Business Hours

Atlanta’s Original Discount Commission and Flat Fee Real Estate Agent Since 2002

• Listing Dept.: Business hours are 9 to 6, Monday through Friday. Saturday 10 to 5 .

• Contract Support Dept.: Business hours are 9 to 6, Monday through Friday. Saturday 10 to 5 and Sunday 2 to 5.

• Client Support Dept.: Business hours are 9 to 6, Monday through Friday.

• Buyers: Business hours are 9 to 6, Monday through Friday. Saturday 10 to 5 and Sunday 2 to 5.

Discount Real Estate Broker Atlanta

Many people wonder if they should use a discount broker to sell their home.  


Their curiosity is about what is a fair fee to sell a home.


In a recent study done by Stagers, they shared their finds that the average agent spends less than 10 hours servicing a listing and in a Seller’s market it was speculated that they spend only 5 hours.  


In that scenario, of let’s say 7 hours, a $300,000.00 home paying $9,000.00, the hourly rate for an agent is $1285.00 per hour.  


An agent might say, but I have expenses. 


The truth is that their brokerage pays for the multiple listing service that feeds to all other for sale websites.  


Yes, they might pay for photography or for a custom sign.  But really, $1200.00 per hour?  


So, that it why we say that the average agent makes $800.00 per hour.  


But what about a million dollar home?  


Even at 10 hours that is $3,000.00 per hour.


WHAT could they be doing for $3000.00 per hour.  Even at $800.00 per hour, that is more than your doctor.  


The truth is that real estate is simple when you have a plan, experience and a solid foundation for how to lead a client to their options.


You can certainly choose to overpay, but why would you?

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